We are looking forward to welcoming an estimated 350 - 500 Oregonians who will be here for the 2011 Civic Engagement Conference, November 3-5 here at the Salem Convention Center. This event is presented by Oregon Volunteers!, the State Commission for Voluntary Action and Service promoting and supporting AmeriCorps, volunteerism and civic engagement to strengthen Oregon communities. The theme of the 2011 Civic Engagement Conference is Authentic Community Engagement: Transforming and Inspiring Oregon Communities. Participants will have the opportunity to choose from a wide variety of programming options. In addition to traditional conference content, several special events will take place in conjunction with the conference. Advanced Volunteer Management Track (Nov 3-5) AARP Staying At Home Summit (Nov 3) Public Policy Seminar for Nonprofit Leaders (Nov 5) Volunteer Management: Train-theTrainer (Nov 5) Governor's Awards Luncheon (Nov 4) For more information about Oregon Volunteers and this conference, please visit www.oregonvolunteers.org Or connect with them on Facebook & Twitter: @OregonVolunteer