The COVID-19 crisis has impacted meetings, conventions and travel all over the world in an unprecedented manner, and Salem, Oregon events are no exception. However, there is hope for those who have important milestones and meetings in their near future. In June, most of Oregon entered into Phase Two of the reopening process which means that we can now host up to 100 people for an indoor event because we have the open space and the resources to allow for social distancing and other safety protocols recommended by Oregon health officials to help mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus and keep visitors safe. The Salem Convention Center has always been on the forefront of thorough and environmentally safe cleaning methods. We have always been praised by the public and event professionals alike for our “squeaky-clean” standards, so going above and beyond to keep our facility sanitized and safe for our guests is nothing new for us. However, we understand that this is a confusing and uncertain time for everyone, so here are some answers to a few of the FAQ's we have received since reopening. What are you doing to keep Salem Convention Center visitors safe? All local businesses entering into Oregon's Phase Two Reopening Plan must follow very specific guidelines set by local health authorities, however, we have decided to go above and beyond the recommended guidelines to err on the side of caution and better ensure the safety of all visitors and staff members. These new practices now include enhanced cleaning methods, sanitation stations, social distancing, contact tracing, and more. What's going to be different? Health and wellness has always been a top priority in our day-to-day operations since opening our doors 15 years ago, yet we have managed to find new ways over the past couple of months to make our facility cleaner and safer than ever. Here are some of the changes you may notice while you are here. Masks are Required by Everyone. All visitors and employees of the Salem Convention Center are required to wear a mask or face covering while they are here. We understand this is a sensitive subject for some, however, all Oregon businesses who reopen are required to follow statewide mask and face-covering guidelines. These guidelines are to protect yourself and others, and we ask that you respect the statewide mandate. Hand Sanitizing Stations Available Throughout the Facility. There is no shortage of hand sanitizer at The Salem Convention Center and we have installed sanitizing stations for your convenience throughout the facility. We encourage our guests to make use of them as often as needed to keep themselves and others safe. 6ft Physical Distance Required. Individuals and groups of different parties (parties defined as 10 people or less) must maintain 6ft physical distancing at all times. Changes in our Food & Beverage Operations. Our entire kitchen staff and servers have undergone extensive training to ensure we are all following the most current foodservice safety protocols to keep visitors healthy. In order to do this, we will no longer be offering self-service options such as buffets, pitchers of beverages, and coffee service. All meals will be served by the Salem Convention Center catering staff and have created unique served and boxed meal options for your convenience and safety. The Salem Convention Center staff is also encouraging all clients to stagger their meal times to allow for the required 6ft physical distancing. Changes to Exits & Entrances. To maintain flow and to allow for proper 6ft physical distancing there will be designated ingress and egress locations for each event space. Please be mindful of this as you navigate through the building. Contact Tracing. Salem Convention Center event clients will be required to provide an up-to-date list of all of the attendees to the event, prior to the event date so we can implement fast and efficient contact tracing should it be necessary. The following information is required and will be kept on file at SCC for 60 days: -Event Name, date, time, and location. -First and last name of event attendee as well as home address, phone number, seat number or seating area if known. Enhanced Hygiene/ Safety Procedures. The Salem Convention Center will have a designated staff member whose sole purpose is to disinfect and clean all touchpoints as well as hourly restroom cleanings. I Heard That Limited Indoor Gatherings Are Limited to 10 People So How Can You Host up to 100 People? The coronavirus is a fluid situation and the data and rules of the reopening process are changing daily, it's very easy to get confused! However, Governor Brown's announcement on July 14th regarding the 10 person limit to private indoor gatherings does not apply to businesses like ours that are maintaining Phase Two guidelines that were laid out by the Oregon Health Authority. Civic, cultural, or faith-based gatherings, venues, restaurants, or gyms are still allowed to operate events for up to 250 people with physical distancing in place! The reason for doing so is that businesses already have to adhere to strict physical distancing and cleaning and disinfecting protocols. Stay Well. Be Well. We are ready whenever you are. For more information, please visit our Coronavirus Precautions page. Until this crisis is behind us, this will be our new normal and will allow us to serve our event clients and the community's needs. We greatly appreciate your support and cooperation as we all work together to keep each other safe and healthy. When you are ready to host your event or celebration, we will be here for you and guide you every step of the way like we always have.